No....No...I'm definitely not referring to the bird you serve on a Christmas..but I wish to write about the country, that is rich in Heritage and Culture!! Having a population of somewhere between 12 - 15 Million, its history dates back to as long as 900 Yrs..!!! Perhaps, this is one unique country which has its locations in 2 continents. I mean..One end is in Europe while the other end in Asia..!!!!
My fascination with any new country that i visit is perhaps related to Roads & Cars..!! Thats how I would like to explain my first snap taken, just after we embarked on the journey from Ataturk International Airport to the Hotel, located on the European Side. The roads are just wonderful and you feel like being on a cruise..!! Can you also see the greenery on either side of the roads?? Its just heavenly being amidst the natural beauty here..!

Going by what ive said earlier, my fascination for cars never seems to end..!!! Always taking photos of these beauties..and yeah...I could see lots of Volkswagen, Hyundais, Toyotas, Mercs...and if u can see the big white beauty on the left side..its a Merc (Mercedes for short!) who has a manufacturing plant in Turkey for buses.

As we drive along the wonderful road amidst zipping cars, I happened to take this photograph. This served as the "Water Carrier" and dates back to 900 Yrs. The sole purpose of this construction was to transport water from the "dams" to the inner cities..!!! The structure still stands stong though other means of water transportation is being used in Turkey. But all said & done..its indeed a lovely structure and yeah..we didnt drive "through" the wall but on the left side..!!!! :-) :-)

Once I reached the hotel..I did call it a day..!!! The next morning was even more eventful...as I looked out the hotel window..to see the city..!!And this is what i could capture..!! A lovely stadium..the beautiful city..and the river Golden Horn (I suppose!!) flowing right across..!! An amazing way to begin the day..!!! If you can see the houses, all of them are tiled with sloping edged roofs. Reason?? It snows quite heavily in the European Parts and this tiled roof would help "unsettle" the snow..!!

During our way to meet customers, we saw a Traffic-Jam..!! I was just too happy to note one as I've spent most of my driving being in traffic-jams..!!! There's a big length of cars and they are awaiting their turn to enter the bridge, that connects the European Side to the Asian Side. Don't fail to note E-toll card in the car..!! Another feature, that im yet to see being implemented in India..!!! :-)

No..No...This is not the San Francisco Bridge..!!!!! Though it does look a lot similar, the charm of SFO bridge is far beyond comparison..!! This is the key bridge that connects the European Side to the Asian Side of Turkey. There are 2 bridges (including this one) and people use this to commute to the different sides...be it for business or pleasure..!! Though Ankara, is the capital of Turkey, the entire limelight is on Istanbul as it has carved a niche in itself as a city, filled with flea markets, breathtaking natural beauty and business hubs.

On the background, you may also see a wonderful & most popular mosque in Istanbul, that is conveniently located on River Bosphorous (Hope I got the spelling right)..!!!

More updates as i can take some time-off from my business commitments to capture the beauty of Turkey and have them relayed to you all..!!! Till then.. Hoşça kalın Pronounced ( Hosh cha kaluhn) that means Goodbye..!!!!!
Dont forget to leave ur sweet comments..!!!:-) :-)